The Lakeland Zone Fall Rally is on Sunday, October 17 at Somerset Hills Lutheran Church in Basking Ridge, NJ from 3 to 5pm. Program: Ola Odedele will be our guest speaker on “Change is Good for You… You First – Part II.” A light dinner will be served. Registration requested but not required.
Gits from the Heart: We are collecting toiletries for men, women & children for the flood victims in Manville, NJ, whose homes were devastated by flooding of the Raritan River after Hurricane Ida. This project is in collaboration with St. Paul Baptist Church in Somerville, NJ. Please bring any of the following items:
diapers, baby wipes, soap (bar or liquid), shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, wash clothes, plastic shavers and shaving cream.
Click here for flyer