
Seeking Nominations for LWML NJ District Officers

We are asking your assistance in providing recommendations for the leadership of the New Jersey District LWML for the 2024-2026 biennium. We are in the process of assembling the candidates for the ballot that will be presented at the District Convention on August 2-3, 2024. Nominations are being requested for the offices below:

VP of Gospel Outreach: Member of LWML NJ District Executive Committee who provides oversight and review of our Mission Grants. Summarizes all mission grants submitted by deadline for review by the Executive Committee for the convention ballot. Provide updates on mission grant payments and fulfillment throughout the biennium and provide correspondence to grant recipients as appropriate. Seek suggestions for ingatherings and servant events for the District Convention

Secretary: Member of the LWML NJ District Executive Committee who keeps a record of the proceedings of the NJ District Convention and all board meetings and executive committee meetings. Provide minutes to the members of the EC and Board of Directors prior to their meetings, and keep a file of all policy motions and standing rules.

Treasurer: Member of the LWML NJ District Executive Committee who keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements; receives all monies and deposits them in a bank(s) approved by the EC; make all payments authorized by the EC; make payments on all approved mission grants as authorized by EC; submit regular reports to the EC and Board, and submit a report to the LWML NJ District Convention

Nominating Committee: (one person from each Zone) Present a slate of nominees for each elective office for the coming biennium and gather their biographical information for presentation at the LWML NJ District Convention.

Feel free to contact current officers to learn about their experiences.

Please prayerfully consider women who have previously served or currently are serving in society, zone or district leadership positions for these offices. Submit their name (or your own) for nomination on the form here before July 1, 2024.

Send completed nominations to:

Susan Harnos, Chair
Email: seharnos(at)